

I won the Sensory Category of the ImmerseUK Awards. The series of event organised as part of the Awards Scheme has been incredible for my career and personal development. Read more about this here.

Chris Yiu, Damian Murphy, Asha Easton, Mattia Colombo, Martin McDonnell, David Edge, Amy Chao

I am nominated as a finalist in the ImmerseUK Awards. I will be presenting a prototype of my research on the 10th of May at the ARUP HQs, in London, at the Immerse UK Awards Reception.

Me as a finalist in the ImmerseUK Awards

I was awarded the Outstanding TIGA Post Graduate of the Year.

TIGA Post Graduate of the Year Certificate

I was awarded the Rabin Ezra Scholarship Trust. Here is a picture of me presenting my research at the celebration events of the Rabin Ezra Scholarship Trust, at the Gustave Tuck Theatre. I was fortunate enough to meet Solom Ezra, Rabin Ezra’s father.

Me presenting at the Rabin Ezra Celebration Event